Product Introduction:
Author:Boon-Sing Poh
Publisher:Good News Enterprise
Date:Sep, 2022 (This Imprint)
Size:23 cm x 15 cm
Weight:260 g
Boon-Sing Poh
He was born in 1954 in Malaysia. Brought up in a pagan background, he was saved by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ while studying in the United Kingdom. He returned to Malaysia to become a lecturer in a university for six years, founded the first Reformed Baptist Church in the country in 1983, and was imprisoned for his faith from 1987 to 1988 for a period of 325 days.
He is the pastor of Damansara Reformed Baptist Church (DRBC) in Kuala Lumpur, a contented husband, a thankful father of four sons, and a happy grandfather. He earned the PhD degree in Electronics Engineering from the University of Liverpool, UK, the Diploma in Religious Study from Cambridge University, UK, and the PhD degree in Theology from North-West University, SA.
Views: 34
1 Who are the Reformed Baptists?
1.1 History
1.2 Distinctives
1.3 Relationship with Others
1.4 Recommended Reading
2 History of The 1689 Confession
2.1 Events Leading to The Reformation
2.2 The Spread of Reformed Theology
2.3 Implications
2.4 Recommended Reading
3 The Legitimacy of Using The Confession of Faith
3.1 Definitions
3.2 Legitimacy
3.3 Value
3.4 Objections
3.5 Which Confession?
3.6 Conclusion
3.7 References
4 The Subscription Debate and Its Relevance
4.1 Definitions
4.2 A Sketch of The Controversy
4.3 Relevance
4.4 Conclusion
4.5 References
5 Building Upon the Foundation
5.1 Word and Spirit
5.2 The Confession of Faith
5.3 Unresolved Issues
5.4 Conclusion
5.5 References
The 1689 Confession: Contents
1. The Holy Scriptures
2. God and The Holy Trinity
3. God’s Decree
4. Creation
5. Divine Providence
6. The Fall, Sin, Punishment
7. God’s Covenant
8. Christ The Mediator
9. Free Will
10. Effectual Calling
11. Justification
12. Adoption
13. Sanctification
14. Saving Faith
15. Repentance and Salvation
16. Good Works
17. The Perseverance of The Saints
18. Assurance of Salvation
19. The Law of God
20. The Gospel and Its Gracious Extent
21. Liberty and Conscience
22. Worship and The Sabbath
23. Lawful Oaths and Vows
24. The Civil Magistrate
25. Marriage
26. The Church
27. The Communion of Saints
28. Baptism and The Lord’s Supper
29. Baptism
30. The Lord’s Supper
31. Death and The Resurrection
32. The Last Judgement
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