Acknowledgments 7
Introduction 9
Lesson 1 Character 11
David Makes a Choice Based on His Values (1 Samuel 24:1-22)
Daniel’s Character Sets Him Apart (Daniel 6:3-26,28)
Herod’s Choices (Matthew 2:1-18)
Lesson 2 Charisma 23
Josiah Celebrates the Passover Like No Other King (2 Chronicles 34:29-33; 35:1-19)
Peter’s Charisma (Matthew 16:13-20; Acts 2:14,22-24, 32-33, 36-41)
Barnabas Grows in Charisma (Acts 4:36-37; 11:20-26; 14:8-18)
Lesson 3 Commitment 35
Ruth-the Great-Grandmother of King David (Ruth 1:3-22)
Caleb and Joshua Will Enter the Promised Land (Numbers 14:1-24; Joshua 14:6-15)
Stephen Pays a Price for Commitment (Acts 6:8-15; 7:1-4, 8-10,17-25, 29-39, 44-60)
Lesson 4 Communication 49
The Decree of Darius (Ezra 6:1-18)
Jesus Models Clear Communication (Matthew 22:23-40)
Paul Argues His Case (Acts 26:1-32)
Lesson 5 Competence 61
Abraham’s Obedience with Isaac (Genesis 22:1-18)
Hezekiah Becomes King of Judah (2 Chronicles 29:1-11, 15-36; 31:20-21)
The Qualifications for Overseers and Deacons (1 Timothy 3:1-13)
Lesson 6 Courage 73
Joshua Leads the People Across the Jordan (Joshua 1:1-11; 3:1-4, 14-17)
Elijah on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:16-40)
Esther’s Courage to Rescue Her People (Esther 3:8-11; 4:1, 4-7, 9-13, 15-16; 5:1-3; 7:3-10)
Lesson 7 Discernment 85
Pharaoh Recognizes Joseph’s Wisdom (Genesis 41:25-57; 47:13-26)
Hiram and Solomon Strike a Deal (1 Kings 5:1-12)
Seek Wisdom and You Will Find It (Proverbs 2:1-15)
Lesson 8 Focus 97
Nehemiah Ignores the Opposition (Nebemiah 6:1-15)
Jesus Helps Peter Regain His Focus (John 21:1-22)
Paul Puts His Life in Perspective (Philippians 3:7-14)
Lesson 9 Generosity 107
Boaz Gives Willingly (Ruth 2:1-18)
The Heart of Giving (Acts 4:32-37; 5:1-11)
Paul Encourages Generosity (2 Corinthians 8:1-15)
Lesson 10 Initiative 117
Noah’s Bold Actions (Genesis 6:9-2; 7:1-5)
Isaiah Steps Forward (Isaiah 6:1-13)
James Extols the Value of Taking Action (James 2:14-26)
Lesson 11 Listening 129
Lessons in Listening (1 Samuel 3:1-21)
Inconsistent Listener (2 Chronicles 25:1-2, 5-24, 27-28
Even Jesus Listened and Learned (Luke 2:41-52)
Lesson 12 Passion 141
John the Baptist’s Fire Is Evident to All (Luke 3:1-18)
Whatever You Do… (Colossians 3:1-17, 23-24)
The Cloud of Witnesses (Hebrews 11:4-12, 22-34; 12:1-3)
Lesson 13 Positive Attitude 153
A Negative Attitude Dooms a Generation (Numbers 13:1-2, 17-33; 14:1-4, 26-33)
Isaiah Paints a Picture of Hope (Isaiah 40:6-15, 21-26, 28-31)
Jesus on Asking and Receiving (Matthew 7:7-12)
Lesson 14 Problem Solving 165
The Shunammite and Elisha (2 Kings 4:8-37)
Esther and Mordecai Follow Through (Esther 8:1-14)
A Creative Solution (Mark 5:21-34)
Lesson 15 Relationships 177
Jacob Deceives Isaac (Genesis 27:1-45)
The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon (1 Kings 10:1-10, 13)
Relational Rules from the Apostle Paul (Romans 12:9-21)
Lesson 16 Responsibility 191
David Owns Up (1 Chronicles 21:1-30; 22:1)
Jonah Repents and Gets a Second Chance (Jonah 1:1-17; 2:1-10; 3:1-10)
Pilate Washes His Hands (Matthew 27:11-26)
Lesson 17 Security 205
Moses and His Siblings (Numbers 12:1-15)
Saul Fears David’s Success (1 Samuel 18:1-16)
Nathan Rebukes a King (2 Samuel 12:1-19)
Lesson 18 Self-Discipline 217
The Psalmist Prays for Self-Discipline (Psalm 119:1-16)
Jesus Prepares to Start His Ministry (Luke 4:1-21)
Paul’s Advice (1 Corinthians 9:24-27; 10:1-13, 23-24)
Lesson 19 Servanthood 229
David Stands Up for the Men Who Stayed Behind (1 Samuel 30:1-31)
The Samaritan Stops to Help (Luke 10:25-37)
Jesus Provides the Ultimate Visual Aid (John 13:1-17)
Lesson 20 Teachability 241
King Nebuchadnezzar Learns the Hard Way (Daniel 4:4-37)
Naaman Chose Wisely (2 Kings 5:1-15)
The Next Lesson (Mark 10:17-27)
Lesson 21 Vision 253
The Vision of Abram (Genesis 12:1-7; 15:1-21)
The Vision Given to Moses Lasted for Millennia (Exodus 12:1-29)
A Vision for All Time (Matthew 28:16-20)
Final Group Discussion Questions 265
About the Author 266
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