English Books

21 Qualities of Leaders in the Bible: Developing Leadership Traits Inspired by the Men and Women of Scripture (John C. Maxwell) 9780310086284


Product Description:

Learn leadership qualities from the greatest book ever written, and become a leader that people want to follow.
Where do you turn to learn leadership? Business experts? Management consultants? Theoreticians? The world of politics? Why not learn from the Bible—the original leadership book!
In this study, John digs deep into the Bible to teach twenty-one indispensable qualities found in the men and women who led God’s people God’s way. These essential traits will help you to lead with integrity in every area of your life.
In twenty-one lessons, John guides you to develop the core qualities all good leaders exhibit. Each lesson includes:


  • THE QUALITY DEFINED: a brief description and introduction to the Quality
  • CASE STUDIES: three biblical studies—including leaders such as Joshua, David, Ruth, Nathan, Esther, Elijah, Stephen, John, Titus, and Jesus—that reveal and illustrate the Quality
  • STUDY QUESTIONS: reflection and application questions to help you dig into the stories of the men and women in Scripture and learn from them
  • LEADERSHIP INSIGHT AND REFLECTION: questions to help you assess and improve your own leadership skills
  • TAKING ACTION: practical takeaways and direction to help you incorporate the quality from each lesson into your daily life
  • GROUP DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: questions to help you learn and process the Bible study material with other like-minded people who want to grow in leadership
    Leadership is for everyone, because every person who accepts Christ is called to influence others. And the good news is that everyone can develop the leadership qualities exemplified by the men and women of the Bible.

    This workbook has been designed to enhance readers’ experience of working through John Maxwell’s leadership materials and is intended both for individual use and for small groups.

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Product Introduction
Author:John C. Maxwell
Publisher:Thomas Nelson
Date:Feb, 2019
Size:18.5 cm x 23 cm
Weight:470 g

John C. Maxwell
He’s a #1 New York Times bestselling author, coach, and speaker who has sold more than 33 million books in fifty languages. He has been identified as the #1 leader in business and the most influential leadership expert in the world. His organizations – the John Maxwell Company, The John Maxwell Team, EQUIP, and the John Maxwell Leadership Foundation – have translated his teachings into seventy languages and used them to  train millions of leaders from every country of the world. A recipient of the Horatio Alger Award, as well as the Mother Teresa Prize for Global Peace and Leadership from the Luminary Leadership Network, Dr. Maxwell influences Fortune 500 CEOs, the presidents of nations, and entrepreneurs worldwide. For more information about him visit JohnMaxwell.com.



Acknowledgments 7
Introduction 9

Lesson 1 Character 11
David Makes a Choice Based on His Values (1 Samuel 24:1-22)
Daniel’s Character Sets Him Apart (Daniel 6:3-26,28)
Herod’s Choices (Matthew 2:1-18)

Lesson 2 Charisma 23
Josiah Celebrates the Passover Like No Other King (2 Chronicles 34:29-33; 35:1-19)
Peter’s Charisma (Matthew 16:13-20; Acts 2:14,22-24, 32-33, 36-41)
Barnabas Grows in Charisma (Acts 4:36-37; 11:20-26; 14:8-18)

Lesson 3 Commitment 35
Ruth-the Great-Grandmother of King David (Ruth 1:3-22)
Caleb and Joshua Will Enter the Promised Land (Numbers 14:1-24; Joshua 14:6-15)
Stephen Pays a Price for Commitment (Acts 6:8-15; 7:1-4, 8-10,17-25, 29-39, 44-60)

Lesson 4 Communication 49
The Decree of Darius (Ezra 6:1-18)
Jesus Models Clear Communication (Matthew 22:23-40)
Paul Argues His Case (Acts 26:1-32)

Lesson 5 Competence 61
Abraham’s Obedience with Isaac (Genesis 22:1-18)
Hezekiah Becomes King of Judah (2 Chronicles 29:1-11, 15-36; 31:20-21)
The Qualifications for Overseers and Deacons (1 Timothy 3:1-13)

Lesson 6 Courage 73
Joshua Leads the People Across the Jordan (Joshua 1:1-11; 3:1-4, 14-17)
Elijah on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:16-40)
Esther’s Courage to Rescue Her People (Esther 3:8-11; 4:1, 4-7, 9-13, 15-16; 5:1-3; 7:3-10)

Lesson 7 Discernment 85
Pharaoh Recognizes Joseph’s Wisdom (Genesis 41:25-57; 47:13-26)
Hiram and Solomon Strike a Deal (1 Kings 5:1-12)
Seek Wisdom and You Will Find It (Proverbs 2:1-15)

Lesson 8 Focus 97
Nehemiah Ignores the Opposition (Nebemiah 6:1-15)
Jesus Helps Peter Regain His Focus (John 21:1-22)
Paul Puts His Life in Perspective (Philippians 3:7-14)

Lesson 9 Generosity 107
Boaz Gives Willingly (Ruth 2:1-18)
The Heart of Giving (Acts 4:32-37; 5:1-11)
Paul Encourages Generosity (2 Corinthians 8:1-15)

Lesson 10 Initiative 117
Noah’s Bold Actions (Genesis 6:9-2; 7:1-5)
Isaiah Steps Forward (Isaiah 6:1-13)
James Extols the Value of Taking Action (James 2:14-26)

Lesson 11 Listening 129
Lessons in Listening (1 Samuel 3:1-21)
Inconsistent Listener (2 Chronicles 25:1-2, 5-24, 27-28
Even Jesus Listened and Learned (Luke 2:41-52)

Lesson 12 Passion 141
John the Baptist’s Fire Is Evident to All (Luke 3:1-18)
Whatever You Do… (Colossians 3:1-17, 23-24)
The Cloud of Witnesses (Hebrews 11:4-12, 22-34; 12:1-3)

Lesson 13 Positive Attitude 153
A Negative Attitude Dooms a Generation (Numbers 13:1-2, 17-33; 14:1-4, 26-33)
Isaiah Paints a Picture of Hope (Isaiah 40:6-15, 21-26, 28-31)
Jesus on Asking and Receiving (Matthew 7:7-12)

Lesson 14 Problem Solving 165
The Shunammite and Elisha (2 Kings 4:8-37)
Esther and Mordecai Follow Through (Esther 8:1-14)
A Creative Solution (Mark 5:21-34)

Lesson 15 Relationships 177
Jacob Deceives Isaac (Genesis 27:1-45)
The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon (1 Kings 10:1-10, 13)
Relational Rules from the Apostle Paul (Romans 12:9-21)

Lesson 16 Responsibility 191
David Owns Up (1 Chronicles 21:1-30; 22:1)
Jonah Repents and Gets a Second Chance (Jonah 1:1-17; 2:1-10; 3:1-10)
Pilate Washes His Hands (Matthew 27:11-26)

Lesson 17 Security 205
Moses and His Siblings (Numbers 12:1-15)
Saul Fears David’s Success (1 Samuel 18:1-16)
Nathan Rebukes a King (2 Samuel 12:1-19)

Lesson 18 Self-Discipline 217
The Psalmist Prays for Self-Discipline (Psalm 119:1-16)
Jesus Prepares to Start His Ministry (Luke 4:1-21)
Paul’s Advice (1 Corinthians 9:24-27; 10:1-13, 23-24)

Lesson 19 Servanthood 229
David Stands Up for the Men Who Stayed Behind (1 Samuel 30:1-31)
The Samaritan Stops to Help (Luke 10:25-37)
Jesus Provides the Ultimate Visual Aid (John 13:1-17)

Lesson 20 Teachability 241
King Nebuchadnezzar Learns the Hard Way (Daniel 4:4-37)
Naaman Chose Wisely (2 Kings 5:1-15)
The Next Lesson (Mark 10:17-27)

Lesson 21 Vision 253
The Vision of Abram (Genesis 12:1-7; 15:1-21)
The Vision Given to Moses Lasted for Millennia (Exodus 12:1-29)
A Vision for All Time (Matthew 28:16-20)
Final Group Discussion Questions 265
About the Author 266


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