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Ecclesiastes Made Simple: The Old Testament Made Simple (Dr Anthony Loke) 9789832762072 (Pustaka Sufes)
Product Description:
The purpose of this book is to help readers to be familiar with the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes. A cursory reading of it reveals a gloomy and pessimistic outlook. This immediately puts off many people. Why write a book on a book which is already pessimistic about life? One reason is that Ecclesiastes is a book Christians know very little We remember the famous phrase from the KJV translation, “Vanity of vanities! All is vanity” but the rest of the book is clouded in obscurity. As part of The Old Testament Made Simple series, the format is designed to make studying the Old Testament relatively “simple”. The series helps the reader to rediscover the wonderful but often neglected world of the Old Testament.Ecclesiastes is a biblical book that remains closed to many Christians for various reasons. To some, it remains far removed from the relative doctrinal clarity and specificity of the Pauline epistles, or the gripping narratives found in other portions of the Bible. To others, there is lingering doubt about how much of the teaching of the book can be taken as didactic or readily placed within the Christian gospel message. Yet others may find the book rather pessimistic and depressing, and best avoided for more sunny biblical passages.
This leaves Ecclesiastes unopened for many Christians who are none the wiser of the important treasures it contains. This book written by Rev Anthony Loke helps to address this problem by providing a very readable guide to Ecclesiastes. This is his third book in the “Made Simple” series and is another evidence of his ability as a seminary teacher and pastor in helping Christians to understand Scripture. Loke uses his considerable exegetical skills as an Old testament scholar and his wide experience as a pastor to make Ecclesiastes accessible and understandable to the general reader.
Loke’s book bring this and other facts of Ecclesiastes out for the reader to appreciate. His ruminations and reflections are rooted in the Malaysian and wider Asian context, with many pertinent references to Malaysian society. He also uses many examples from films and popular songs to illustrate his insightful comments. All this makes this book unique and interesting, not merely helpful and instructive.
This book is immensely useful for personal and group study. It should be used widely in churches to study Ecclesiastes, and thus help Christians to appropriate its biblical wisdom in everyday living. Anthony Loke has done us a service by bringing out yet another “Made Simple” book that is disarmingly simple and yet poignantly profound. It would be a valuable resoure for Christians who are serious about understanding and applying the Bible in their daily lives. I heartily recommend this book as one that should be widely used.
Bishop Robert Solomon
Methodist Church in Singapore -
Elijah Made Simple: The Old Testament Made Simple (Dr Anthony Loke) 9789832762164 (Pustaka Sufes)
Product Description:
Elijah is a biblical figure who often suffers the fate of being trapped in the image of a two-dimensional super-hero. He is the incredible prophet who challenged kings and gods. He was uniquely taken up to heaven in a spectacular display of heavenly glory. His name keeps cropping up in different parts of Scripture, including the book of revelation. But for many, he may just remain as a hero from am distant past – an interesting exhibit in the museum of larger-then-life personalities. This book helps to restore the true character of Elijah, warts and all, and presents him more as a three-dimensional man – flesh and blood, outstanding faith as well as surprising doubt, courage as well as fears. He could taunt the false prophets in one brilliant moment and yet fall into deep depression at the next turn.Rev Dr Anthony Loke uses his skills as a biblical scholar and preacher to show that Elijah was a man just like us. By observing him and reflecting on his life, we can draw both inspiration to climb spiritual mountains as well as draw comfort that spiritual giants are often men with feet of clay – just like most of us. Dr Loke helps the reader to pay close attention to biblical texts and to make serious personal application of lessons carefully gleaned from the text. He also makes use of opportunities to introduce various theological issues, such as suffering and God’s sovereignty, which the reader may find useful. The careful reader will not only find illuminating biblical exposition but also relevant and thoughtful application of biblical truth in daily life.
I am happy to highly recommend this book; it is the latest in a series of “made simple” books by Dr Loke that helpfully bring Old Testament texts to light so that pastors and church members can gain insights and discover the use of the Old Testament for personal spiritual growth as well as corporate study and ministry.
Bishop Emeritus Dr Robert Solomon
The Methodist Church of Singapore -
Esther Made Simple: The Old Testament Made Simple (Dr Anthony Loke) 9789832762201 (Pustaka Sufes)
Product Description:
The story of Esther is familiar to Jewish and Christian readers. On the surface, the story is about Esther who rose from an orphan in exile to become the queen of Persia, and who, out of her supreme courage, saved her people from certain destruction from the enemy Haman. Together with her cousin-adopted father Mordecai, they managed to thwart Haman;s nefarious plan and brought about a reversal of fortunes. Yet, the story is all these things and more. Readers who think that they know everything about what Esther means are advised to examine it again as the book is truly multi-dimensional. -
Job Made Simple: The Old Testament Made Simple (Dr Anthony Loke) 9785788 Revised Edition (Pustaka Sufes)
Product Description:
There is a general poverty of reflection today on the nature and experience of evil and suffering. The book of Job is an important biblical text that Christians must grapple with in this regard. It asks and leaves many difficult questions – the answers to which we see in the presence of the suffering God who came to us as Jesus Christ. Rev Anthony Loke has provided a much-needed book to help Christians dig deeper into the mystery. He brings his exegetical skills and pastoral perspective to give some firm handles to understand Job, and to deepen our perspective on human suffering. It is heartening to hear an able and articulate Asian voice in biblical interpretation and pastoral application commend Rev Loke’s book which makes Job much more accessible to pastors and church members.
Bishop Dr Robert Solomon
Methodist Church in SingaporeOur friend, Anthony, has once again produced a challenging book despite his heavy teaching schedule in Seminari Theoloji Malaysia, Since his last publication Proverbs Made Simple in 2003, I have been looking forward to another down-to-earth sequel in the Old Testament Wisdom literature. How is theology (the YHWH we believe in) related to the question of suffering in our social-anthropological context? I am sure you will both enjoy reading this fascinating study and being moved by it.
Rev Dr Ezra Kok Hon Seng
Principal and Lecturer in New Testament,
Semilari Theoloji Malaysia -
Lamentations Made Simple: The Old Testament Made Simple (Dr Anthony Loke) 9789832762119 (Pustaka Sufes)
Product Description:
Rev Loke’s book introduces Lamentations to the reader in an interesting way. The introduction is simple and yet scholarly – a special writing gift the author has. The first part of the book deals with several technical and textual matters that help readers to understand how to approach Lamentations. The section on Hebrew poetry is particularly helpful in understanding some of the technical and interpretive issues since Lamentations is essentially a collection of poems ranging from helplessness and despair in the face of mega catastrophes to stubborn faith and hope in a God who will keep His promises. The book helps us to understand that the textual architecture of the book itself has a message. It is like being guided to look at a house and to be thought to appreciate its architectural significance – of how the structure and the material used are messages in themselves. This overview is most helpful for those entering the “house” to examine the furniture and meet the people, so to speak.The spiritual message of Lamentations comes through in the latter sections of this book – and talks of a sturdy faith that can (almost) shake a first at God out of anger, despair and disbelief at what is happening and at the same time relax the tight first to become a hand of trusting prayer, echoing the words we find in the Nee Testament: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68). God is the ultimate reality we can cling to even in (and especially in) calamity, in situations where we lack understanding and there is unbearable darkness and pain. Why? Because Lamentations has to be places in the context of the whole Old Testament which speaks of a God who is holy and loving, a God who makes covenants with His people and who keeps the covenants, a God who remembers redemptively, and a God who has the power to deliver. This God cannot be neatly squeezed into our religious boxes for He is bigger than our conventions and theories. C. S. Lewis wrote words that express this well. A character in the Narnia Chronicles when asked if Aslan the Lion (representing Christ) is safe says: “Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good, He’s the King, I tell you.”
It is therefore a great service that Rev Loke has done in turning people ‘s attention to the value of Lamentations and the importance of its message in a world of superficial quick-fix solutions and in a modern church that may be guilty of trying to domesticate God and therefore of distorting who He is, and weakening the solid foundations that He provides for earthly life that can be confusing and difficult, uncertain and frustrating.
Bishop Robert Solomon,
The Methodist Church in Singapore -
Ruth Made Simple: The Old Testament Made Simple (Dr Anthony Loke) 9789832762218 (Pustaka Sufes)
Product Description:
The Old Testament Made Simple
“One who is interested in the study of the book of Ruth will find the needed historical background materials in addition to the interpretation of the book itself. I wish to point out three important areas in particular.Firstly, the title includes explanations of important Hebrew words. This will help the readers to grasp the meaning of key words that constitute the message of the book of Ruth. Often we may understand a word based on the English translated version, but an explanation based on its Hebrew cognate will open another perspective that is often not translatable in English. Words llike hesed (kindness) and goel (redeemer) for example, are too important to be missed. The readers will be grateful for the discussions of these Hebrew terms that help to shape the understanding of the book.
Secondly, there are many reflection questions included at the end of every chapter. Those questions stimulate further thinking on the message of the book of Ruth, and are great for discussions and applications in life. Lastly, the chapter on “Key Theological Themes” is exceptionally helpful. The chapter addresses the “absence” or “hiddenness” of God, the role of human actors, human initiative, and the issue of identity with regards to aliens, or sojourners/foreigners. reading this chapter from a post-exilic context is intriguing, especially when Dr Loke states that the book could have an influence on a later generation being re-told as a response to Ezra’s reforms (page 13)/ It is essential, therefore, to think in response to the questions posed by Dr Loke on page 90-how do the people of God perceive the presence of “the other” particularly in a multi-racial society like Malaysia?
I trust that this title will also stimulate the people of God to find pointers to many pertinent questions living in times of the Covd-19. It was in the context of famine and struggles for survival, that Ruch and Naomi found God’s hesed, and God as the ultimate goel through decisive human initiatives. May we, as people of God, play our parts and find hesed from the One true goel in the challenging time or pandemic.”
Dr Elaine Goh, Seminari Theoloji Malaysia -
Songs for Troubled Times: Expositions of Psalms (Paul A. Barker, Peter H. W. Lau) 9789832762171 (Pustaka Sufes)
Product Description:
I’m so glad this book was sent to me for review. I read it devotionally and opened myself to a spiritual feast. There are few activities in life that are as enriching as exposing ourselves to the Word of God. This is especially so when one is guided by those who know the Scriptures and the Lord of the Scriptures well and also know the world that we live in. The two authors of this book represent this kind of guide.
Ajith Fernando,
Teaching Director, Youth for Christ, Sri Lanka.Everyone loves Psalm 23, but what about the gloomy indeed bitter ones? Can we learn from them of use them in our private prayers and public worship? Barker and Lau here offer us eight gripping sermons on some of the most difficult psalms, showing their relevance to our lives today. Whether you are familiar with the psalms or just beginning to study them, this collection will instruct your mind and warm your heart, I thoroughly recommend it.
Gordon Wenham,
Professor Emeritus, University of Gloucestershire, UK.