Showing all 6 results

  • BEWARE OF THE ECUMENICAL AGENDA!: A Response To ‘More Calvinistic Than Calvin?’ (Boon-Sing Poh) 9789839180657 nett (Good News Enterprise)

    Product Description:
    The present book is a response to a recently published book, entitled ‘More Calvinistic Than Calvin? Hardline Reformed Theology And The Malaysian Church’. The present book may be understood without prior reading of the latter book.
    Apart from countering the misrepresentation of the Reformed faith in the said book, the warning is sounded forth against the ecumenical agenda of the Neo-evangelicals. The ecumenical movement has not abated but has gained momentum instead. It is promoted by the Neo-evangelicals whose influence has become all-pervasive.
    Who are the Neo-evangelicals? What is the ecumenical agenda that they are promoting? Why should all evangelical Christians be concerned? How should Christian unity be expressed? These are questions we seek to answer in the present book.
    From this perspective, the present book is of relevance to Christians everywhere, although its genesis is in little Malaysia.
    📘 Beware of The Ecumenical Agenda (Preview) Click to read


  • Biblical Theology: How the Church Faithfully Teaches the Gospel (Nick Roark & Robert Cline) 9781958168967 nett (Greenhouse)

    Product Description:

    How does the church guard against false gospels?

    Every week, many churches around the world read the Bible but miss the main point—and end up teaching false gospels week in and week out. One of the most important safeguards against this danger is an understanding of biblical theology: reading the Bible in light of its main message, culminating in Jesus Christ.

    Starting with a framework for understanding the storyline of the Bible and then explaining basic principles for prioritizing the teaching of this message, this book aims to help churches guard the truth of the gospel.

    📘 Biblical Theology (Preview)


  • Mangoes or Bananas? The Quest for an Authentic Asian Christian Theology (Hwa Yung) 9781908355478 2nd Editions (Regnum)

    Product Description:
    Over the past few decades there has been a growing awareness of the need for contextual theologies throughout Asia. But how genuinely contextual are these? Based on the premise that theology and mission are inseparable, the author applies four missiological criteria to representative examples of Protestant Asian writings to assess their adequacy or otherwise as contextual theologies. These are relevance to sociopolitical challenges, enhancing evangelism and pastoral care, inculturation, and faithfulness to the Christian tradition. The study reveals certain discernible trends in Asian ecumenical and conservative theologies respectively, and also distinctive strengths and weaknesses. But the greatest problem with most of these theologies appears to be that, at heart, they have been domesticated by western dualism and Enlightenment thought. Authentic Asian Christian theologies will only emerge with the dual recovery of confidence in both gospel and culture within Asian Christianity. In this new edition, the author has further shared his personal journey that brought him to this conclusion.

  • More Calvinistic Than Calvin? : Hardline Reformed Theology & the Malaysian Church (Hwa Yung, Lee Soo Tian, Lee Tat Yan & Lim Kar Yong) 9789670536897 – 2nd Printing

    Product Description:
    Reformed theology has a long and distinguished heritage in history. Its roots are traceable back to John Calvin of the 16th century Protestant Reformation. At its best, it has shaped a solid church tradition, built great universities like Geneva, Harvard, Yale and Yonsei, and produced famous theologians like Jonathan Edwards and J. I. Packer, and outstanding preachers like Charles Simeon and Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
    But just as tulips, the symbol of Reformed theology, come in a variety of colors, there is also great multiplicity within the Reformed tradition. Regretfully, some varieties have been marked by exclusivity and divisiveness. Recently, it appears that some with such views in the Malaysian church have caused serious divisions in some circles and much distress to those affected.
    These exponents of hardline Reformed theology insist that their position is more firmly rooted in the Bible than all other traditions, and that they possess the most or only adequate understanding of the gospel. What this book seeks to show is that this claim is not supported by plain scriptural teachings, and that aspects of hardline Reformed theology owe more to alien philosophical arguments than the Bible itself. This is the key issue. Furthermore, the exclusive and divisive manner in which these hardline views are being promoted sadly demonstrates a lack of respect for Christians of other traditions.
    This book calls on all Christians to find our faith on the solid rock of Scriptures and not false philosophies, to walk with humility and respect for each other’s traditions so long as we agree on the fundamentals, and to build a holy and united church together as we face the immense challenges before us. Soli DEO Gloria!


  • Shaped by the Gospel: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City (Timothy Keller) 9786299841197 nett (Greenhouse)

    Product Description:

    It is easy to assume that if we understand the gospel and preach it faithfully, our ministry will necessarily be shaped by it—but this is not true. Many churches claim to be gospel-centered but do not have a ministry that is shaped by, centered on, and empowered through the gospel. The implications of the gospel have not yet worked their way into the fabric of how that church does ministry.


    Gospel-centered ministry is more theologically driven than program driven. To pursue it, we must spend time reflecting on the essence, the truths, and the very patterns of the gospel itself. The gospel is neither religion nor irreligion, but something else entirely—a third way of relating to God through grace. In Shaped by the Gospel, bestselling author and pastor Timothy Keller addresses several current discussion and conflicts about the nature of the gospel and shows how faithful preaching of the gospel leads to individual and corporate renewal.


  • Through The Bible Through The Year: Daily Reflections From Genesis To Revelation (John Stott) 9780801012679

    Product Description:
    While many Christians are aware of and even adhere to the church calendar, few understand how it can enrich the way they read the Bible. Realizing this widespread need, respected preacher and scholar John Stott has assembled a new book that will guide readers through the Bible according to the church calendar. Seeking to renew a Trinitarian approach to Scripture, Stott divides these daily reflections into three sections.
    From September to December, Stott focuses on how God the Father revealed himself in the Old Testament. From January through Pentecost, he focuses on the life of Christ in and through the Gospels. And between May and August, Stott looks at the Holy Spirit in Acts, the epistles, and Revelation. Any Christian seeking to better understand the correlation between the calendar structure and the biblical story will be greatly enriched by this new material.
